Cancellation Policy

Effective February 1, 2023

We understand that schedules change. Our cancellation policy was designed to provide flexibility for our students’ families, while ensuring our instructors are fairly compensated for their time.


  • Students enrolled in private lessons may schedule a make-up lesson for any lesson canceled “early,” which is defined as prior to the close of business (7 PM) the day before the scheduled lesson. 
  • Credits will not be given for missed lessons, unless canceled by Notasium. 
  • You may cancel the lesson via Customer Service by email, phone, or in person. 
  • Make-up lessons must be scheduled with Customer Service within 30 days of the original scheduled lesson. 
  • We will always prioritize scheduling a make-up lesson with your normal instructor; however, if your normal instructor is not available, we will schedule a make-up lesson with an appropriate substitute instructor, either virtually or in-person. 
  • Lessons canceled the day of are considered a “late cancel” and will not be eligible for a make up

As long as you give us the correct amount of notice, you can reschedule your music lessons as often as necessary. Being part of our subscription-based service means that you have reserved personalized time on your instructor’s schedule. We purposefully offer a generous rescheduling and make-up policy to give you and your instructor every opportunity to get the most from your lessons. 


Written notice by email ( four weeks in advance is required to cancel recurring lessons so that we may adjust the instructor’s schedule accordingly. Credits will not be issued for unused lessons.


Please notify Customer Service at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to make a class. Students who cancel their class 24 hours in advance are eligible, if availability allows, to schedule a makeup class with Customer Service for an equivalent class. Credits will not be given for missed group classes. 

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Open Play Hours

Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

1000 Ryan Rd
Cary, N.C. 27511